

[8] Atticus Bolyard* and Peter A. Savelyev.  Understanding the Educational Attainment Polygenic Index and Its Interactions with SES in Determining Health in Young Adulthood. January 2025.  Conditionally accepted by the The Journal of Human Resources. VCU Economics Department working paper

[7] Peter A. Savelyev, Benjamin Ward, Robert Krueger and Matt McGue. Health Endowments, Schooling Allocation in the Family, and Longevity: Evidence from US Twins. Journal of Health Economics, 81, 2022, 102554. Most updated paper almost identical to the published version: HCEO. Old versions: IZA and SSRN. Web Appendix.  

[6] Peter A. Savelyev.  Conscientiousness, Extraversion, College Education, and Longevity of High-Ability IndividualsJournal of Human Resources, Vol. 57, No 5, 2022, p. 1526-1565. ScholarWorks working paper (almost identical to the published version), JHR doi link, SSRN working paper (close to the published version) and the Web Appendix. JHR blog coverage.  

[5] Kai Hong, Peter A. Savelyev, and Kegon Tan.  Understanding the Mechanisms Linking College Education with Longevity. Journal of Human Capital, Vol. 14, No 3, pp. 371-400, 2020. Most updated working paper (almost identical to the published  version): HCEO, IZA, SSRNJHC doi linkWeb Appendix.  W&M press release.

[4] Peter A. Savelyev and Kegon Tan.  Socioemotional Skills, Education, and Health-Related Outcomes of High-Ability Individuals. American Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019, pp. 250-280 . Web Appendix. Most updated working paper (almost identical to the published version): HCEO, IZA, SSRN

[3] James Heckman, Rodrigo Pinto, and Peter Savelyev. Understanding the Mechanisms Through Which an Influential Early Childhood Program Boosted Adult OutcomesAmerican Economic Review (2013) 103(6): 2052-2086.  Web Appendix. Most updated working paper (almost identical to the published version): Vanderbilt, IZA, NBER, SSRN. Selected press coverage: Vanderbilt press release; Radio broadcast for the “Academic Minute”; Futurity; New York Times.

[2] James Heckman, Seong Moon, Rodrigo Pinto, Peter Savelyev, and Adam Yavitz. Analyzing Social Experiments as Implemented: a Reexamination of the Evidence from the HighScope Perry Preschool ProgramJournal of Quantitative Economics, 1 (2010) 1-46.  Web Appendix. Most updated working paper (almost identical to the published version): NBER, IZA.

[1] James Heckman, Seong Moon, Rodrigo Pinto, Peter Savelyev, and Adam Yavitz. The Rate of Return to the HighScope Perry Preschool ProgramJournal of Public Economics, 94 (2010) 114-128.  Web Appendix. Most updated working paper (almost identical to the published version): NBER, IZA.


[9] Peter A. Savelyev and Atticus Bolyard*.  The Mechanisms Linking the Educational Attainment Polygenic Index and Health Outcomes in Young Adulthood.

[10] Jahn Hakes, Tino Sanandaji, and Peter A. Savelyev.  Ancestry, Health Behaviors, and Mortality in the US.

[11] Kai Hong and Peter A. Savelyev. Understanding the Mechanisms Linking Big Five Personality and Longevity.

[12] Rodrigo Pinto, Tino Sanandaji, Peter A. Savelyev, and Kan Yao. Understanding the Immigration Gap in Employment: the Role of Human Capital Mismeasurement.


James Heckman, Seong Moon, Rodrigo Pinto, Peter Savelyev, and Adam Yavitz.  A New Cost-Benefit and Rate of Return Analysis for the Perry Preschool Program: A Summary.  Reynolds, A. J., Rolnick, A. J., Englund, M. M., & Temple, J. A. (Eds.).  Childhood Programs and Practices in the First Decade of Life: A Human Capital Integration. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  Working paper (the same version as the published chapter): NBER, IZA.


Nikolay Kryukov, Peter Savelyev, and Andrey Zagrebin. The Radiation and Relaxation of Xe2* Excimer States in the Positive Column of Gas Discharge in Xe and Xe-He Mixture.  J. Opt. Spectr. 86 (5) 1999, 762-770. 

Nikolay Kryukov, Peter Savelyev, and Maxim Tchaplyguine.  The Radiation-Collision Quenching of Metastable Hg Atoms by Crypton. J. Opt. Spectr. 82 (5) 1997, 747-751. 

*Former undergraduate at William & Mary